Thursday, 20 August 2015


Another oldie this time. In November 2012 the great people at Threadless held the Dr.Jekyll & Mr.Hyde design challenge. Ultimately 169 designs were sent in and 71,907 votes were placed...and to my great joy and surprise my super simple graphic representation of Jekyll & Hyde in a Venn diagram style was chosen to be the winner. The design shows the two sides of the character and how they overlap. Couldn't be more proud.

original submission
close up detail

final shirt printed...image copyright Threadless

1 comment:

  1. Hey there,
    i wanted to ask you a question i've been looking for a long time to find a design for a Jekyll and Hyde tattoo would you mind if i used this design? Jekyll is my favourite character in literature and truly represents my belief in duality of man. yeah so i'd love your permission to use it.
